Overall Chronology

Overall Chronology

Thematic Chronology
The UN and Palestine: Security Council Resolutions
1948 - present
64 events

Provides the content of United Nations Security Council resolutions that were passed on the Question of Palestine, beginning with the April 1948 resolution requesting a special session of the General Assembly to discuss the outbreak of violence in Palestine and its future government. Resolutions that are not substantively new are not included.

Security Council Adopts Another Resolution for Middle East Cease-Fire

The Security Council, at a meeting this afternoon unanimously adopted a Soviet draft resolution on a cease-fire in the Middle East.

Abba S. Eban, Foreign Minister of Israel, addressing the Council. To his left are Lord Caradon (United Kingdom) and Arthur J. Goldberg (United States).

7 June 1967
UN Photo/Teddy Chen
Overall Chronology
E.g., 2025/02/17
E.g., 2025/02/17